Aku tunjuk gambar aku dua tahun lepas kat Intan. Reaksi dia, terlopong.
I knew myself that look haggard.
Mana pergi the youth kau tahu? And this isnt Dorian Gray much. Tak ada potrait nak galang ganti begitu.
Dibazirkan kerana sedih, malam malam tak mahu tidur, risau. It shows on your face.
Itu sebab aku decide untuk ingat perkara baik sahaja tentang everything. Like the other friend said, you were not like this back then. Give me back our you!
Aku secretly suka spice girl around the age of 12. The group was a hit and they came out with a perfume. Itu yang buat aku suka. The scent.
Ada satu ayat dia terngiang-ngiang.
"All you need is, positivity!"
Hell, yeah!