I do treat this as a place for me to rant. So, bila aku happy, aku tak ada apa sangat nak tulis dah sebenarnya. I used to ada rasa tak puas hati hal family ke frenship ke relationship ke, never ending kot but the issues that bug me inside, all settled.
I used to have problems with my faith, then aku dah tak ada issue tu because I've come to term that at the end of the day aku rasa aku akan minta semua pada tuhan juga,macam berserah je lah.. so it's either aku nak minta or tak, so the issues all settled.
I used to have issues on hal relationship and fidelity then I've also come to terms that sebanyak mana pun kita nak sibuk, kau tak boleh duduk masuk dalam kain orang, so tak payah jadi isu baik fikir hal sendiri.
I used to have issues on women not being treated fairly but I can't repeat what I wrote. I pour it all out so perasaan meluap nak tulisnya dah jadi lain. Tak berkobar macam dulu.
I used to have issues dengan sesiapa aku rasa macam jahat hati then aku fikir, asalkan jaga hati sendiri so life is all good.
I used to have issues hmm on things yang tak payah jadi hal aku langsung just I want to say something then aku fikir I should've just buat hal sendiri, which is way easier.
I used to have issues regarding aku suka melucah then sampai satu tahap aku dah bosan melucah. Cakap-cakap sahaja tak jadi apa. And if I don't want to make it happen, it won't happen.hahahaha
I used to be so uptight and tension masa di universiti so aku guna blog untuk merepek buat goofy aku, cerita hal kawan-kawan dan orang sekeliling yang aku rasa tak berapa diterima oleh surrounding universiti aku, aku letih buat eksperimen setiap hari, it's mundane, I'm on a dateline, aku malas nak start buat painting sampai mak aku dah maki, then I've graduated already. Tak ada dah tension zaman universiti. and if ada pun, i think i would handle it differently. Now I'm older. I shouldn't waste my time getting irritated sangat at small stuffs.
I used to have issues dengan ex aku,(and i know you read this hehe) maybe still ada but deep inside aku dah tak heran sempena I met someone new kot just reminiscing to analyze things. Huhuhu
I don't really give a damn about this whole kekecohan dalam dunia which I hardly have any control over. I'm so ignorant. Aku rasa pengetahuan aku tentang apa yang terjadi di Malaysia sekarang ialah aku tak tahu apa-apa. Dengar-dengarnya banyak perkara bodoh terjadi. Lagi aku malas nak tahu.
I'm busy mending my heart, planning my life, loving people I should, make it count, ingat kawan lama, just that so far. Just that. Average normal people. So macam hal aku dah pour out, aku macam dah dapat deal kot dengannya, so aku dah tak rasa nak cakap dah lah. I grow up. How life changed lah in years.
This blog therapy works like a magic lah untuk aku. Hugs.
How's life been treating each and everyone of you so far?
Have a nice day!